William P. Leavitt
Georgios Stairview Room, Tinley Park, Illinois
September 16, 2003
Here was a seventy-two year old woman, a widow, who had been left a productive farm in a lush green valley near Hatley. She was surrounded by good and valiant friends. Certainly, she sat in her rocker and reflected on the day when she would be laid to rest beside her beloved sweetheart.
But, because of her testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, she left all her comforts and solace behind and became one of the Lord's nomads.
The last year of her life was spent traveling through savage weather and sleeping on the ground. Her only comfort was those family members who traveled with her. She became sick and soon died amongst a stand of trees on the prairie. Certainly she had given meaning to the phrase, “endure to the end.” Her testimony stands as an indelible witness and example before every member of her posterity through the eternities.
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